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Старый 05.09.2010, 18:26   #9
Регистрация: 02.05.2010
Сообщений: 5
Gaudin is on a distinguished road
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Состав команды до боли напоминает знаменитую команду немецких игроков :)
Naked Ironman Hardcore Uber Tristram
* Assassin: Lightning Traps, Fade, plus Mindblast and Shadowcloak for support.
* Barbarian: Warcry (and Leap) for stun. Battle Cry and Battle Command for buffs. Plus Natural Resist to tank and Find Potions for mana and rejuv pots.
* Druid: Werebear, Shockwave for stunning, Summon Bear, Oak Sage, Summon Dire Wolves. Plus Poison Creeper to remove corpses and stop boss hps regeneration.
* Necromancer: Dim Vision, Amplify Damage, Lower Resist, Decrepify, Clay Golem (with Summon Resistance he could tank very well). Maxed out Bone Prison for Uber Mephisto.
* Paladin 1: Salvation for resistance. Blessed hammer for an attack, with Concentration active at times.
* Paladin 2: Conviction for the fights and Meditation between them, plus Holybolt for healing and Cleansing for anti-curses/poison. (-100% resistance on all characters.)
* Sorceress 1: Fireball, Meteor, Inferno, Fire Mastery.
* Sorceress 2: Frozen Orb, Static Field, Firewall, Fire Mastery. (Only 1 in Cold Mastery, since she always had Conviction from the Paladin.)
Источник: diablo.incgamers
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