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Старый 28.12.2022, 06:38   #1
Регистрация: 01.09.2021
Сообщений: 77
katccxfbak is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию THIS is the aspect of animal crossing that gets the least amount of praise

Hello, my name is Lex, and welcome to our community! I believe that it is, at the very least, underappreciated. I can hardly remember the last time I used it.

You should know that as a person who has been to many different dream locations, I believe I have lost any ability to predict the future. It's possible to meet people you've never heard of before. This is such a neat feature for the very first island. After that, I arrived here. A flag is shown here.
The game that many fans of the Animal Crossing series consider to be the series' weakest entry
By the way, I will take this incredible photograph if you own any of the islands that we visit today or if you know the person who founded any of the islands. This is an awesome guide for the retail establishment.

I have no doubt in my mind that the fact that their island is so distinctive is due, in large part, to the significant role that creativity and individualism play there. This is a really cool thing to witness. We are almost there, like a rainbow, and even my own island is capable of having a flow of unexpectedness. I think it's really cool that we put those red peppers on the floor in front of the bathroom. I want to congratulate you on creating something so awesome. Take a look at this road. What kind of a haunted house do we have? What an exquisitely laid out island!

Perhaps it is the person who created it. Please get in touch with Kelly Kelly no matter where you are. We are very grateful that you have welcomed us to your island today. Click the "I want to dream" button once she has connected your switch to the Internet, and you will be presented with the option to have a Surprise Dream. This comes as a complete and total shock to me. To tell you the truth, the search by island name has a feature that is very similar to this one. This is due to the fact that when I try to search for a specific name, there is a very small chance that I will find the island that I am looking for. In the winter and in the evening, I'm not entirely sure how to properly pronounce the name of this island, so I find it very interesting. Take a look at this little sign that says "welcome."
[color= rgb(247, 150, 70)]ACNH winter design 2022[/color][color= rgb(247, 150, 70)]when does it snow in ACNH 2022[/color]This island appears to be of great value. It seems to have a lot of different things to look at, but what I appreciate the most about it is that it has a very open channel. Because I suffer from claustrophobia, I try to avoid being in enclosed areas as much as possible. In everyday life, this most often takes the form of an animal crossing, which is why I enjoy having these wide pedestrian roads that make you wonder, Why is it so beautiful? I believe that I will take a screenshot of this. At the very least, this is one of the ideas that came to me as a result of my time spent on this island. On this island, we traded cash for oranges instead of oranges, but there is a tree with oranges on it, which is very adorable. In addition, there is a lighthouse on this property. Because I haven't constructed any new lighthouses on my island in quite some time, I believe that the lighthouse that is perched atop the lotus wreath needs to be accompanied by some impressive structures. A pipe is available to us. I am obligated to go inside.

There are more elements that have a tropical feel to them. It's interesting that when we visit at the beginning of winter, we still see signs of summer everywhere we look. This is a design made specifically for you. Even though we are safe here, we still have a lifesaving chair and a frog chair, which is located right on the beach. The good news is that Felicity is doing well. I start to wonder whether or not I really am aware of the identities of the other villagers at the animal crossing. I can't believe it, but I think that's a bathing suit! Oh man, I can't believe Knox Scraney has its very own gas station.

Just so you are aware, please bring your scooter with you here. Here at our location, there is a wet market. A large carnival can be found in the lower left corner of the island where some fish were caught. The creators just take up a lot of space and use a particular architectural theme as the theme. The end result is always so beautiful and it looks so much like real life, and everything is marked off with a rope fence.

This flag is appealing to me. The camping area is conveniently located right behind the resonance service. Examining this cozy coffee shop with a pink motif is something that piques my interest.

How incredibly stunning it is. In addition to that, we have the city of Vibes. Wow, it looks like a chessboard to me. This appeals to me. It's incredibly artistic, and this part of the world is just breathtaking.

I am not familiar with the local roads or anything else. We have a ton of projects going on here, including a lot of ones with a pink theme. It is an individualized design much like roads. Why do they only have 100 custom design slots, considering how many different options they have?

What exactly is it? These flowers have the appearance of a chess board. They have a lot of cool money bags, and there are a lot of them.

You can still include the cat in the design even if you don't have very much luck. This is such a cute idea. How priceless it appears to be. In addition to that, it is a massive game board.

Because she saw The Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time earlier this year, my younger sister Peach is currently living in the era of Jack Scrington. I have a lot of respect for her because of this. New Year's Eve preparations are being made by us as well, albeit with the year 2022 rather than 2023. The fact that people have coins on their island is very interesting to me. In this manner, it sets off Mario in my physical body. This is Mia, and this is Mario. It is strikingly similar to the name of one of our programs. I was completely unaware that there was a singing program.

My time with Mario began in this era. Oh, my God, Waluigi is my DJ. They seem to hold a significant place in the operations of Lotus Reef. I'm not sure if you've had the chance to look at them.

Unfortunately, it threw me off. Because of the inspiration that this island's original inhabitants provided for us today, we are very grateful to them. I believe that we will not be visiting any other islands today.

It jogs my memory in some way to get more physical activity. I am fully aware that the name Polyphemus Polyphemus is the one that has been running through my head whenever I hear his name pronounced in this manner. It would appear that Luna is waiting. Oh my goodness, this place is absolutely stunning, and I adore the humble welcome mat that can be found in front of the airport on this island. There is a wide variety of activities available. These are nice little blocks, and I like them. On this island, there are many garden gnomes who are perplexed as to what they should think. Oh, my God,Take a look at the SpongeBob shirt I'm wearing. I arrived at this location after navigating a hidden pathway that led to a location very similar to Mermaid Bay. Because it is such a charming concept, I believe that this will serve as my motivation for designing the island.

This island has an incredible variety of sights and activities to offer visitors. It brings to mind the animated film Ice Age.

Anyway, I'm here as one of my exploration gnomes, but I just wanted to say thank you for watching today. Please let me know if you have tried out Luna's surprise dream function. In any case, kindly inform me as to whether or not you make use of the surprise dream function. Content will be produced each and every day in the month of December.
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