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Старый 21.12.2022, 06:21   #1
Регистрация: 26.09.2021
Сообщений: 72
kelchyjzzyger is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию Analysis of Critical Feedback Regarding My Position as Elden Ring Boss

It is true that I didn't find some bosses before I released the ranking, but even if I found all of the bosses, this guy might make a comment after being unconscious and write that you didn't list melanin. Even though it is true that I didn't find some bosses before I released the ranking, it is still possible for him to do so. No, I'm not accustomed to discussing the lightness or darkness of my skin before getting into the meat of the discussion. Even though you can't see the parts of the content that you don't like, I can still see that the proportion of things I like and things I don't like is 95, 51485 and 2425 respectively in my analysis. In any case, the number of viewers vastly exceeds the number of subscribers I have, and as a result, I am not even impressed by the dedication of my core audience, which is very unfortunate. Why did Khalil ask, "Man, why did you miss all the really difficult bosses, Malakas, and they weren't even optional?" in his message? But in my entire career of eight years, I have only used someone else's lens in one piece of content, maybe twice.

These scenes are from games that I played 20 years ago but no longer have access to in the content I previously played. Permit me to tell you that Elton Lin is a boss of hunting and content collection for 56 hours straight. I will not delete unfavorable comments simply because they are there. All of the comments in this content have been approved and still exist, unless they are deleted after being exploded, but if they involve lies, they disappear. As a result, I forget some details, but I definitely remember that when I spent almost a week working 12 to 14 hours in a row, it would make me lazy like a coward. This content has been approved and still exists.

Imagine that after your 14-hour shift was over, you yelled at a nurse who was attempting to leave work 10 minutes early and told her that she was too lazy to be like you. I'm exhausted from toiling away at whatever it is for a total of 14 hours every single day. Yes, let us pull out a map and explain to you exactly where everything is located.

This game has roughly 140 points. Because my health points and endurance stick do not extend to the other side of the screen, why should I wander aimlessly is a part of the ring experience of the elderly? If you are not a stupid toddler, you can tell at a glance that I am not the highest level. If you are not a stupid toddler, you can see this immediately. You are aware of the reason why they are referred to as interesting places, and that is because nothing in the surrounding area is particularly noteworthy. What do you think will happen if I don't check it before cheap Elden Ring Runes XBOX go? Gregory Velasco wrote in his message that you despise talking about more games, that Elden Ring Runes PC for sale (Get Code) find it grating to discuss more challenging aspects of life, and that you lack the ability to carry on. Fat man wrote that he was sorry that failing to complete the content patch after your slander was actually a punishable offense. Hey, if you find yourself falling in love with a bald man who enjoys playing multiple games in which he stabs you in the back, you are a romantic loser. This is because I'm here to try to assist you in ending this relationship, and even if I'm unsuccessful, you still have options.

gladiatorVaroI honestly wrote that you irritate me, but as the content progresses, I find that I find you very interesting and enjoy commenting on xd, which means that my taste is something that must be acquired.- I got some really interesting comments on my page- It is consistently capable of such errors- I don't know if you are good at this game or if you just don't know weapons like the Moon Valley Dark Moon Sword Star Whip Sword- Either way, I'm not sure what to think- Some people refer to these weapons, along with absurd health and endurance, and the heaviest armor, as the relaxed mode- This mode also includes the most powerful armor- If you don't know how to upgrade, every boss will be very challenging and they will all stand here the entire time- Stand on those who are attracted by the worst weapons they can find, and then stand on those who beat Melania with gold halberds in two hands, a decent weapon, with no bleeding, no hound's pace, no crazy damage output, and no cheese, just like a man, who is bragging about how to attack the enemy and use op weapons at that time- It appears that there are any skills that can search your body on Google- Because of this, I have been working on reducing the scope of what some people refer to as comedy trials on the boss ranking- This is due to the fact that my speech is dull, and the majority of the time, I haven't placed an emphasis on it

The majority of the young people that they encounter adhere to the rule of telling one joke for every minute. Before that, it looks like they were doing fine. There is a humorous remark. I am given a few moments to collect my thoughts, and then I am instructed to take some deep breaths.

Unless you count the old tales about Paul D. My bosses, in which case I won't perform a bird dance that involves stealing lives and diving off of buildings for the same boss.

People who act like there is some kind of game god by claiming that every single boss in the game is simple irritate me to no end. Why do you create content for the Elden Ring whenever there are gaps in two complete areas? You can also use the simulation layer to achieve your goal of earning money by producing subpar content. You play games on the neutral version without actually learning the mechanism, which means that you have no right to actually write these mechanisms. If it's not good, it won't have a 95% dislike rate. Allow me to go a week without washing my hair, and after that you can eat my entire a**.

This is what Sid wrote:There are other bosses besides this one; for example, even some non-optional bosses do not look for a morgue in this area. Believe me, it will show up in Woody's writing at some point. I've never met someone who was so pretentious and uncaring about other people's feelings.

I don't want to waste time here playing the game soul game that I don't like. This means that for a significant portion of the game, you will not be killed by the same boss, nor will you repeatedly throw yourself at the same boss, but this is only a part of the game. I don't want to waste time here playing the game soul game that I don't like. Is this yet another lazy piece of writing that was produced by two green sofas? Despite the fact that I am older than you, I will not tolerate being called a child by someone whose name comes from their unsanitary furniture. The scaly misgotten would have spared my life if I had discovered it when I ought to have discovered it. You won't let me answer because you think it's silly, but I don't believe that the jayret Miranda is a pitcher plant. You have a degree in botany. It's hard for me to accept that there are people in the world who are so cruel. I'm willing to bet that if you have Miranda in your garden, you'll end up using your own excrement as fertilizer. You will most definitely be inserting your chicken on a consistent basis.

Indeed, your neighbors thought you were the coolest person around. This is a plant known as a pitcher plant. You are a raving lunatic for using chlorophyll as a lubricant.

Once his mode is disturbed, once you make it low enough, each time it cuts to the scene of cutting, regardless of the circumstances, man, if you use up all of its life at the beginning and kill it, you will be dead. I actually devoted an entire piece of content to proving this point. Therefore, you will lose all of your health each time you hit the other side at the same time because you haven't completely destroyed his mode yet. It was written that you are a nerd by Cutscene. My friend, I have some information to share with you; right now, you are observing the contents of an elderberry ring. You are also a nerd. And that is it.
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