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09.02.2021, 04:35   #1
: 09.02.2021
: 4
sunxuemei is on a distinguished road
 Train the mage dumbies until it prevents you from doing this.

If you'd like food, visit world 1 at which people power fishing, offering free trout/salmon. Magic: Train the mage dumbies until it prevents you from doing this. You may by then obtained the magic level required to get some curses. Cast these curse spells on the Zamorak monk from the Varrock Castle, directly behind the staircase. As soon as you hit the ideal magic level ( I believe it's 25) cast Curse on the Zamorak monk. Once the level is achieved, you can even superheat (really quick xp, and you break even in the event that you create steel bars) or higher alch. Leave prayer alone, maintain your attack at 40 (45 in the event that you receive the gravite 2h).

First off, I'm sure everyone here's tired of this sort of issue, so it is absolutely fine if nobody wants to reply, but thanks for taking the time to read it anyway. Since the launch of this Fight Kiln will come after this month, I really wanted to get a fire cape. I've tried 2-3 times already without any luck.Please take someone's advice on this if n0t mine. Since you sir r a genius yes yes 5% boost from chiv - piety is obviously worth such as 5-6m unrefundable yes genius thought sir and of course you know all about this believing you have 46 prayer.

Have fun dying afterward. We keep saying you wont last however you keep insisting you understand over the people actually giving you the advice. Be there and another team WILL crash you and you will have wasted your $ (which you did) and time (which you will). Kthxbai. Please stop insisting in your own ignorance. If you know all of your answers WHY ASK US?! Purchase K Top+BT and utilize Rapier (get 80 DG) and proceed kill.
The details of the game information in winrsgold

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